International Course: 

Integration of Children with Special Needs into normative educational frameworks"

Israel, as a country of immigrants, is among the leading countries in treating special populations and has accumulated knowledge and experience, which it passes to many countries in the world.
Countries, to which this activity is intended for, are with high percentage of children with special needs who do not live in normative frameworks.

We work closely with the SHEKEL organization - a leading expert on integrating populations with special needs in the community.
Activities and goals of this program correlate directly to the triple Millennium goals:

• Enabling every child to conclude primary education.
• Ensuring the existence of a strong community - The plan acts as a response to the need of social inclusion for all populations in various frameworks, that function and contribute to society and the community.

• The program integrates in global cooperation frameworks for developing human resources, creating social equality and the creation of tolerant societies.

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