Vladimir Pitrakov, A previous participant of the course Police and Community wrote about his experience here:

"I wish to express my gratitude and say thank you, to the Israeli Embassy in the the Republic of Kazakhstan, namely Ambassador Eliyahu Tasman; MASHAV Coordinator Julia Queen; director of the center Guy Susan; course supervisor Ella Krasnicky,  and the people who accompanied us almost everywhere: police officer Michael Zingermanu; member of management of Prisons in Israel Arie Rosenwald and all the teachers who have did a wonderful job teaching us. Indeed , these 25 days of October passed almost unnoticed and I had very positive experiences. We had an interesting and fascinating lectures, and impressive and educational visits to police facilities, police stations , and, of course , prisons. Once again I want to tell you all thank you for such a course and an experience , it will remain in my mind and heart for a lifetime! I wish all  Good health, success and a merry future. Regards, Vladimir Pitrakov, Member MASHAV "Police and Society"

Experts from participants from countries of the former USSR which where spoken end of the course :Creative thinking in Special Education" in Israel:

The course titled " Creative thinking in Special Education" was organized by the Centre for Cooperation and Advancement and  Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The course was attended by experts from Armenia, Azerbaijan,Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia , Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

Chief pediatrician of Eupatoria city council (the Ukraine), deputy Irina Kolpakova appreciated the opportunity to expand professional horizons, and wrote in "Crimean analyst" Magazine that:

"The State of Israel and the course gave us the joy of the ability to communicate with our special needs children, a new sense of unity for our Country. We lived on a kibbutz on the Mediterranean sea, had the opportunity to observe and study the characteristics of special education in Israel. Among the stated goals of the organizers of the course were: increasing the diversity of models and methods to address the issue of education for children with special needs and their integration in the regulatory environment, finding a balance between the needs of children with special needs and "normative children",  introduced us to new approaches, methods and training , leading us to the think about the necessary changes in the our own education system.

Dr. Kolpakova also highlighted the goodwill of the teachers and their desire to introduce participants to the techniques  with his country , which allowed not only to get new knowledge, but also learn much about life in Israel, and its history.
